Learning to Step Into My Introverted Superpowers

As a little girl, I was very personable and always talked to new people (according to my mother). As an adult, I’m VERY confused on how that could be because talking to random new people is exhausting now as an adult hahahaha. Maybe growing up and realizing that I...

Book Review: Get Out of Your Head

TW: discussions on demon possession and mental illness As a person who struggles with anxiety, this book made me feel seen. There is a lot of scripture that you can use to help you overcome thoughts that pop into your head. You can’t control what pops into your head,...

The Picture of Dorian Gray

TW: Suicide, language describing POC/BIPOC, murder, and drugs This is an interesting book. Oscar Wilde is an interesting author.  I’m not sure how I feel.  At the same time, I’m happy that I read the book.  To me, it starts slow and things begin to pick up in chapter...

Thank You for Rejecting Me

If you never heard of The Heart of Dating podcast or attended one of their conferences, you may not be familiar with Kait Warman. Through this book, you will.  Kait’s vulnerability throughout the book is refreshing. This isn’t just some self-help book that tells you to do this and...

The Screwtape Letters

As a heads up, if you’re not a Christian or not familiar with Christianity or know about the Bible, this may be challenging for you to understand due to the references and the topic. This addresses Christian theological issues, like temptation and trying to resist said temptation.  For books...

2022 Words of the Year

I haven’t known anything other than survival.  But I want to learn.  2021 was full of so many ups and downs but so full of God’s blessings and provision.  I’ve learned so much about myself but I have so much more to learn.  One things, the relationship with God...

A Reminder

“What we need in the United States is not division, what we need in the United States is not hatred, what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who...

Scorpio Races: Owlcrate 20th Anniversary Box

This month’s unboxing from @owlcrate and let me tell you, I’m in love! I can’t wait to enjoy these goodies.  I haven’t heard about The Scorpio Races but I’m so interested and excited to read it. It sounds so so good.  I love getting bookmarks and posters to decorate...

Book Review: Secret History

TW: murders, drug abuse, mentions of incest   Donna Tartt knew exactly what she was doing in this book. Maybe she didn’t but man did this book have me on the edge of my seat.  I didn’t realize how attached I got to these characters and hanging on even...

Bossypants Book Review

I listened to it on audiobook. I adore Tina Fey and learning about her life and career made me adore her more! She wove in her humor with truth and transparency. You learn about her upbringing and her family. As a late 90s/early 2000s kid, I don’t know what...